面议劳模GT A20输油泵
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面议Bestouch UV/IR多种适应型紫外线红外线火焰探测器
面议Bestouch UV工业锅炉干燥炉燃烧探测用紫外线火焰探测器
面议Bestouch UV/IR拥有自我诊断功能的紫外线红外线复合型火焰探测器
面议Bestouch Triple IR3误报率*低的人工智能型远距离IR3火焰探测器
面议Bestouch UV紫外火焰探测器
面议Bestouch UV/IR紫外红外复合型火焰探测器
面议RFD-3000 IR3三频红外火焰探测器
面议RFD-2000X UV/IR紫外红外火焰探测器
面议2700 Series
ASME NB Certified: Air, Steam, & Water
Sizes ½" x 1" to 1½" x 2½". Orifice areas from 0.068 to 0.573 square inches. Pressures from 15 psig to 6500 psig. Temperature range of -400 °F to +750 °F conventional and balanced design.
Stainless steel body and trim, carbon steel bonnet. Optional materials include complete 316 stainless steel, Monel, and Hastelloy C. Materials suitable for NACE service available.
Available with screwed, flanged, socket weld or welding nipple connections. Optional "O" ring seat for ultimate tightness. Maximum blow down of 10 to 20% on all fluids.
Applications: Air, gas, vapor, and liquid process applications.