EMVCo Level 1 接触式卡片测试套件

EMVCo Level 1 接触式卡片测试套件

参考价: 面议

2023-11-28 13:48:58







EMVCo Level 1接触式卡片测试套件



       我们提供EMV/ISO/NFC Level 1 Analog RF射频与协议测试平台,EMVCo, AMEX, MasterCard, Discover, UnionPay, VISA, JCB等支付品牌Level 2及Level 3测试认证套件,支持智能设备,移动设备,智能手机,智能可穿戴设备,POS机,ATM等各类设备一致性测试,支持各测试规范。

提供EMV Level 1接触式卡片测试套件,支持:


- 卡片VCC, RST, CLK, I/O等引脚的信号传输和接收测试
- 卡片VCC, RST, CLK, I/O等引脚的信号扰动和电流测试


Card session Card activation and reset response delay
ATR and Intercharacter timing Character to character interval timing
Total transmission timing
I/O transmission bits timing
I/O reception bits timing
T=0 protocol
Character timing
Minimum guardtime
Transmission of procedure bytes
Parity error management – single and multiple repetitions
Work Waiting Time Extension
Extended guardtime respected
T=1 protocol
Character timing
Minimum guardtime
Block guardtime respected
Node address and I-block sequence number
Block error management – single and multiple repetitions
S (WTX) request
ICC and terminal chaining management

我们始终致力于为用户提供高效的测试解决方案,支持接触与非接触终端与卡片测试,支持Level 1 Analog RF,Level 2 及Level 3 测试:

- American Express Expresspay v3.x
- American Express Expresspay v4.x
- American Express AEIPS & Expresspay
- Discover Contactless D-PAS
- Discover Contactless D-PAS & EMV Book C Kernel 6
- Discover Network ZIP Payment
- Interac Level2 Contact
- MasterCard Contactless V3.x
- MasterCard MCL V3.x & EMV Book C kernel 2
- MasterCard Paypass MChip/Magstripe

- Gemalto PURE
- Visa MSD Terminal
- Visa qVSDC Terminal
- Visa VCPS Terminal
- Visa VOQOS Terminal
- Visa Paywave
- Visa VIS Card
- Visa Multi-Access for VSDC
- Visa VCBP Contactless Specification
- Visa VMCPS Card
- Visa Broker VMPA
- UnionPay QuickPass & EMV Book C Kernel 7
- JCB and EMV Book C Kernel 5
- EMV v4.x Level 2
- EMV Entry Point Level 2
- EMV and Mag-Stripe Mode Contactless Kernel 2
- EMV and Mag-Stripe Mode Contactless kernel 3
- EMV and Mag-Stripe Mode Contactless kernel 4
- EMV and Mag-Stripe Mode Contactless kernel 6

我们提供全套Level 3功能测试认证工具,支持:

- China UnionPay / UnionPay International
- American Express Level 3 Contact
- American Express Level 3 Contactless
- Discover Level 3 Contact
- Discover Level 3 Contact & Contactless
- Discover DCI Level 3 Contact
- Discover DCI Level 3 Contact & Contacless
- Discover Pulse Level 3 Contact
- Mastercard Level 3 Contact
- Mastercard Level 3 Contactless
- Mastercard NIV Contact
- Mastercard NIV Contactless
- UPI Level 3 Contactless
- Visa Level 3 Contact
- Visa Level 3 Contactless
- JCB Level 3

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