笼式粉碎机广泛用于有机矿物质、复合肥粉碎、复合肥颗粒粉碎、肥料粉碎。它可粉碎含水量在6%以下的各种单一化肥,尤其适用于硬度较大的物料,是一铵、二铵、尿素等硬粒物料的克星。 笼式粉碎机是由机架、机壳、大鼠轮组、小鼠轮组和两台电动机等主要部件组成,工作时由一台电机带动大笼子顺向旋转,另一台电机带动小笼子逆向旋转,物料通过料斗进入内鼠轮框内,由高速旋转钢条对物料反复冲击破碎,从而达到将物料细碎的效果。该机具有结构简单,粉碎效率高、密封性能好,运转平稳,便于清理、维修方便等特点。
Cage Crusher
Use and Features:
The cage crusher is widely used in organic mineral, compound fertilizer crushing, compound fertilizer particle crushing and fertilizer crushing. It can crush all kinds of single chemical fertilizers with water content below 6%, especially for materials with high hardness. It is a nemesis of hard materials such as ammonium, diammonium and urea,etc. The cage crusher is composed of frame, casing, big rat wheel set, small rat wheel set and two motors. When the machine workink, one motor drives the large cage to rotate smoothly,The other one motor drives the small cage to reverse rotation,the material enters the inner rat wheel frame through the hopper, The high speed rotating steel bar repeatedly impacts and breaks the material, so as to achieve the fine crushing effect. The machine has the advantages of simple structure, high crushing efficiency, good sealing performance, smooth operation, easy cleaning and convenient maintenance.